In a surprising twist, Rep. Dean Phillips and his friend, “Bigfoot,” have embarked on a mission to find President Joe Biden in New Hampshire. Phillips, who is recycling a commercial from his previous campaign, aims to highlight Biden’s absence and lack of engagement. Despite trailing behind Biden in the polls, Phillips questions why the incumbent president is not campaigning or participating in debates. However, while Biden may not physically be in the state, he has garnered support from cabinet members and officials who have visited New Hampshire, including Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. This blog post delves into the intriguing hunt for President Biden and explores the contrasting perspectives on his involvement in the New Hampshire primary.As a serious bigfoot researcher, I find it intriguing that Rep. Dean Phillips and his friend, “Bigfoot,” are on the hunt for President Joe Biden in New Hampshire. It is interesting to note that Phillips is recycling a commercial he used in 2018 for his congressional campaign to make a point about Biden’s absence. Phillips claims that Biden is not turning up on a debate stage, not campaigning, and avoiding questions from the press. He questions, “So where’s Joe?” (WMUR). Despite Biden not physically being in the state, he has had a number of supporters and cabinet members preaching his successes. This includes six Biden cabinet members and six other administration officials visiting New Hampshire since December. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg recently visited the Granite State, although he did not explicitly state if his visit was to push for the president (WMUR).
In conclusion, the search for President Joe Biden by Rep. Dean Phillips and “Bigfoot” raises interesting questions about Biden’s absence in New Hampshire. While Phillips believes that Biden’s lack of presence disenfranchises the state, there are supporters and cabinet members who continue to advocate for him. The visit of Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg adds to the intrigue surrounding Biden’s campaign in the state. As a serious bigfoot researcher, I am fascinated by the intersection of politics and the search for truth.Information for this post was sourced from :%post_url%