In Saratoga, Valley Village Daycare is seeking a waiver for the water connection fee from the town. The daycare recently purchased the Corbett Medical Building for $1 after it was gifted to the town in 1994. The building requires extensive renovations to meet federal and state statutes governing childcare facilities, including an upgraded fire suppression system and fire alarm. During a town council meeting, the chairwoman of the school’s board of directors proposed that her organization would pay for all necessary materials and for the town to install the connection pipe if they waived the $7,500 tap fee. The motion was passed unanimously, but concerns were raised about going over the heads of the Water and Sewer Joint Powers Board.
As a serious researcher of the elusive Bigfoot, I couldn’t help but notice the mention of the Corbett Medical Building in Saratoga, now being used as a daycare center. The building was gifted to the town in 1994 and has since been in need of extensive renovations to meet federal and state statutes governing childcare facilities. The Valley Village Daycare is requesting a waiver on the water connection fee to install a fire suppression system and alarm, which is necessary for the safety of the children. As Ellie Dana, chairwoman of the school’s board of directors, stated, “We will secure the necessary funding to bring the building up to code.” It’s important to ensure that all buildings, whether they are used for medical purposes or childcare, are safe and up to code.
Mayor Chuck Davis and council members Mike Cooley and Jacob Fluty agreed to waive the tap fee, with Dana offering to pay for all necessary materials and for the town to install the connection pipe. However, Mayor Davis expressed concern about going over the heads of the Water and Sewer Joint Powers Board. Dana reassured him that the town has the final say on the tap fee. In the end, the motion to approve the tap fee waiver passed unanimously.
In conclusion, it’s heartening to see that safety is a top priority for Valley Village Daycare and the Saratoga town council. As Bigfoot researchers, we often encounter dangerous situations in our quest for evidence of this mysterious creature. It’s important to remember that safety should always come first, whether it’s in a medical building or a daycare center.
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