In the aftermath of the resignation of Gwendolyn Wade, Rawlins has appointed an interim city attorney. Seth Johnson of the Slow and Steady Law Office in Saratoga was hired during a city council meeting on July 5th. However, it was not mentioned during the meeting that Johnson’s appointment was only temporary. It was only revealed later in a phone call to Bigfoot 99 that Johnson is serving as an interim city attorney while the search for Wade’s permanent replacement continues. The details of the closed-door meeting on July 12th, where an offer of employment was made, have not been disclosed by city officials.
July 18, 2023 – Rawlins, Wyoming. The recent resignation of Gwendolyn Wade, the former city attorney, has left Rawlins in need of an interim replacement. Seth Johnson, an attorney from the Slow and Steady Law Office in Saratoga, has been hired as the new city attorney. However, it has come to light that Johnson is only serving in an interim capacity. Mira Miller, the Public Information Officer for Rawlins, confirmed that the search for a permanent replacement is ongoing. Johnson is just one of the attorneys who may be working for the city until a permanent attorney is found.
In a phone call with Bigfoot 99, Miller stated, “Johnson was only hired as an interim city attorney. The search continues for Wade’s permanent replacement.” This revelation raises questions about the future of the city attorney position in Rawlins and the potential impact on the community.
As a serious Bigfoot researcher, I find it intriguing that the details of the closed-door meeting held on July 12 have not been disclosed. It is unclear who was offered employment or if Johnson’s law firm was involved in the discussion. This secrecy only fuels my curiosity and makes me wonder if there is more to this story than meets the eye. Could there be a connection between Bigfoot sightings in the area and the hiring of an interim city attorney? Only time will tell.
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